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Updated: Dec 26, 2021

WHAT IS WOMEN EMPOWERMENT? Women Empowerment is not a new word for all of us, we several times say that we all must fight and stand for women empowerment including all the girls, ladies and women around the world but have we ever tried to think peacefully that what does this word in actual sense mean ? Women Empowerment is defined as promoting women’s sense of self worth, their ability to determine their own choices and their right to influence social change for themselves and others. This is the way of raising the status of women through education, awareness, literacy and training. This refers to the process of increasing women’s access control over their life, choices and access to the opportunities that allows them to realize their capacities. This helps in accepting women’s viewpoint, allowing women to make their own decisions through different problems in the society and not to be seen lower than anyone in the society by anyone including the boys & men and are treated equally in all aspects. In our society, community despite the great development and progress girls and women’s continue to still face gender discrimination and violence in every part of the world, women face a lot of issues yet, they are still judged and discriminated by the opposite gender not only that but  women are judged by their looks if they wear abit short clothes they are judged that they are not descent and are trying to woo the boys, impress them and giving signs to them that they are interested in them, wearing short dresses or dressing up in any way is related to women empowerment because it conveys a women’s ability to wear whatever she likes, it’s her own life, her own choice no one has the right to intervene or restrict her rights, restricting to some extent is not bad as elders want our good and not bad but in limits and not beyond that you let the son do what he wants but restrict and limit your daughter, based on assumptions we make such thinking that women differ from men in terms of social position, rights and those differences causes unequal power relations between the genders. Every human has their own rights and dreams we tend to restrict our daughters, girls so much that we end up crushing their rights, dreams and we make them dependent on someone and not independent, we are supposed to make our girls, daughters so strong and brave and make her stand on her own feet so that tomorrow she doesn’t need to beg in front of anyone. We mostly tend to think a woman is a burden but in actual a woman is not a burden, she’s considered as a burden by us. Stereotypes like early marriage, forced marriage etc is a fault made by us, the society or community. Stereotypes are created by us, the rules and restrictions are created by us and the voice of women is lowered by us. Give them freedom, Give them opportunity……… Women deserve equal rights as men, let’s encourage the girls, woman, our daughter that they are capable of doing everything, nothing is impossible for them and dear ladies, girls, women it’s high time now let’s stand up against all the injustice, let’s say NO to sufferings, domestic violence and any type of discrimination happening with us, lets support each other and stand up for our rights and for justice and as boys, men we are supposed to support the women by encouraging them. “IT IS BY STANDING UP FOR TH RIGHTS OF GIRLS AND WOMEN THAT WE TRULY MEASURE UP AS MEN.” As boys, men let’s take a stand against the mistreatment of girls and women, it is by standing up for their rights that we truly measure up as men.

As an opposite gender (male) lets try and encourage our girls,daughters,sisters and all the women that they are capable of doing everythingl, lets encourage them and not discourage them by saying that they are not suitable for this work or they deserve to only be at home or what's the use of studying and achieving their dreams as at the end of the day the are going to get married and end up in house chores, your one comment can break the person so badly and hurt them as words hurt more than anything else can, because they last sometimes forever . Dear girls, women lets fight and overcome against everything bravely and show up that you are not less than anyone, every woman’s success should be an inspiration to another, we’re strongest when we cheer each other on and not against each other. “WOMEN SHOULD EMPOWER EACH OTHER INSTEAD OF BEING SO HATEFUL & ENVIOUS OF ONE ANOTHER.” Let’s all try and stand up for the rights of every girl and women around the world and hence let’s come together and celebrate the achievements of every women by celebrating the international women’s day on every 8th MARCH. DEAR GUYS LETS TRY AND ENCOURAGE THE GIRLS, WOMEN AND OUR OWN DAUGHTERS, SISTERS INSTEAD OF RESTRICTING THEM AND CRUSHING THEIR RIGHTS, HOPES AND DREAMS. 


 To all my dear supporters,

This is the last blog for the year 2021 and I am really very thankful to each one of you who supported me and cooperated with me in this journey of mine till here , if god wills we shall be together again next year ❤

Wishing you a very beautiful new year full of joy,happiness and peace :)


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2 commentaires

19 févr. 2022

Hey Rubab

Best topic 👌

Keep it up and continue making blogs to encourage people 👍👍👍

Rubab Hasnain Khakoo
Rubab Hasnain Khakoo
19 févr. 2022
En réponse à

Thankss Rii 💕 I miss u girl 😘

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