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WHAT IS JEALOUSY? When we say the word jealousy, what first comes to our mind is the state of being jealous. It means the state of being unhappy or having envy against another and wanting to have what someone else has. Jealousy is caused due to various reasons including insecurity, but insecurity is something that plays a significant role. When insecurity rises, jealousy rapidly turns to paranoia and obsession. It tends to threaten us as it can destroy or ruin many things, especially those that we cannot afford or tend to lose as they are significant to us in our lives. Most of the time, jealousy involves different emotions such as anger, disgust, resentment, and insecurity.  It strikes people of all ages, genders, and sexual orientations. The leading cause of jealousy is low self-esteem, poor image, and unrealistic expectations regarding something. Jealousy can be in various forms and differ from person to person.  When a relationship has doubt or suspects, it makes one of the partners insecure and leads to a high level of conflict and jealousy; it might create competition when one person is superior in position, and the other cannot do anything about it and wishes the person should be below him, and that is where jealousy begins and ends up having revenge. Jealousy is toxic to us, we do risk our happiness and our safety, and sometimes it's uncontrollable and often leading to violence.

HOW DOES JEALOUSY BEGIN ? It starts due to a lack of communication, trust, and belief in the process of life, in your partner or relationship, and most importantly, in yourself.  Lack of trust starts to breed insecurity which ends up creating jealousy. People make you feel lower than them in many ways, whether by looks, position, or financial status. If a person cannot meet their standards, others mock about it, that is when jealousy begins, and hence people have no right to make others feel that they lack something in their life; instead they should encourage them to move on and not discourage them. If a person has failed in any level of life, encourage him, motivate him more but don't make fun of them as said the way five fingers are not the same way everyone is not the same, every human being is quite different from one another some may be fast learners while some may be slow learners, In contrast, some slow learners have other talents; they need patience and full support to recognize their abilities. Please try and support each other and help each other during challenging and difficult times; life is concise; make the most of it by valuing people and helping them in the right way. One of the ways jealousy also arises is when people suppress their feelings inside themselves; they never speak about what they feel, think, or share their opinions regarding anything. Guys, open up, speak out about what you feel, think, etc., and talk about your concerns, doubts, desires, etc.; through this way, jealousy can be avoided, and remember to speak from your heart. Sometimes due to a  person's past he or she may have trust issues, and that past takes away the present and future peace of mind. Don't let it happen; give yourself a second chance, time, and space so that you can be able to forget all the bad memories and move on in life. "DON'T LET THE PAST BLACKMAIL YOUR PRESENT TO RUIN A BEAUTIFUL FUTURE." Try and accept your past without regrets, handle your present with confidence and face your future without fear. Let's all try to begin a new phase of life in a new way without any negative emotions or negative patterns. DEAR PEOPLE, LET'S TRY AND BE GOOD AND KIND TO EACH OTHER AND TRY TO AVOID HAVING NEGATIVE EMOTIONS TOWARDS EACH OTHER. I WISH YOU ALL THE BEST.


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